Monday, December 24, 2012

Install Fedora 17 x64 and Vmware

After getting new computer with 4g ram, i try to install new fedora 17 64bit. Here are some notes when I got durring the setup
1- Create live usb for fedora: and you will get message ERROR 15: FILE NOT FOUND...
Solution: Go to BOOT folder in your live usb (if you make live usb with livesub-creator or with unetbootin, this folder should be different), change content of bootx64.cfg like:
+ Remove findiso line
+ change LABEL to LIVE (this makes sure you can run live fedora without reporting error: can not process initqueue or something like that..)

2- When you can run live fedora and try to install it to your hard disk. In create partition step, if you get error like:" ..must have one disklabel types: gpt". This error is caused becuase you live usb is booted in UEFI mode. You can change this to BIOS boot by going to BOOT folder in usb stick and delete *.efi file.At least, this works for me

3- Installing VMWare:
- Download it from
- chmod +x it
- yum update
- yum install kernel-headers kernel-devel gcc make
- run as root

4- When start VMware, if it requires kernel headers 3.3.4-5.fc17, you need to install default kernel devel instead of newest kernel by typing:
yum install kernel-devel-`uname -r`